The financial technology "FinTech" industry is a rapidly evolving industry that is composed of a grouping of companies. They incorporate and use technological advances to increase the efficiency and delivery of financial services. Click below to stay up to date with trends and industry wide news for all things Fintec
The IMF and World Bank surveyed central banks, finance ministries, and other relevant agencies and highlighted 5 key facts within Fintech. Click below to see the results.
In October of 2018, The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund launched a working paper; The Bali Fintech Agenda: Chapeau Paper. In this work it laid a framework of policy proposals surrounding high-level fintech issues that countries should consider in their domestic policy discussions. Click below to find out more about their 12 elements.
As an extrapolation stemming from the above referenced sections, click below to review the Chapeau Paper.
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